2010년 6월 9일 수요일

I had exam this Tuesday. That subject is cooking class. I with my friends who study together cooked a lot of things mainly Korean meal. We made these foods - Bibimbop, Kimchi, Majakgwa, Japchae and so on. We have cooked 7 weeks, so here is the exam. We choose the memo which written the food name and the place where could cook. The menu of our group was 찌개. I am not sure in English but kind of soup things. We have to cook fish찌개, 완자탕 in 1 hour. We were worried too much first time. These foods were one of the worst meals when we had a practice time. But we didn’t have time to worry about that, just cooked quickly. 2 menus and 5 people is kind of really tough things. Without any worries, we had a great job. We asked sequences each other so kept the recipe really well. Even our foods were quiet quickly than other groups. Actually both foods taste really good. Some things were little salty, but thankfully the professor didn’t take that. We were proud of ourselves. Our menu wasn’t the rice so the group which made Bibimbop share their food so our class ate that. I think all of our classmates had a really good work.
The world cup is going to be soon. The republic of Korea had a last practice match with Spain on Friday 1 a.m. I am a big fan of soccer and I am fan of Spain national soccer team as much as Korean national soccer team. I thought that on objective point of view from soccer fan, Korea will be lost. Spain is the first ranked at FIFA. But Korea is about 40-50 ranked. I was expected that match from the May. But the date was near, the name lists which play that game showed up. That list made me really disappointed. The list I expected was the best members in Spain. But Spain doesn’t have to show the best members at the match play with Korea. During the match Xabi, Pique, Casillas and most of the best members just sat the bench and watched the game. And the Korean soccer players played not well as much as the Spain players. There are Spain new players showed and they had a great play. But the goal was not appeared until the late the second time. The goal showed from Spain player, I think Korean players had a great play. I hope that Korea have a good results at tournaments.
When I was in high school, I went to Singapore and Malaysia as a school trip. And now my dad works at my school which I graduated from. Tomorrow is the day he is going to go abroad to Singapore as a student’s teacher. I talked to him on the phone quiet a long time. I said to him about the trip and famous things. And I asked him to see me to our school. But he said you would go to Incheon International Airport. If I don’t have any class that 2 p.m. I would go to there. He lives in Jeonllabukdo so last time I saw him was in May. I am definitely sure that he enjoys the trip. Even though Singapore is really hot place, their city structure is really awesome. There are very strict rules so the streets are always clean. When I was there, I don’t want to leave that place. I don’t like hot weather, in the building, there is air conditioner. I hope that my dad will have a nice trip and don’t catch the summer cold. The difference of temperature at inside and outside is high. Also he will buy me some presents. I really expected what he is going to give me.

2010년 5월 31일 월요일

Soccer girl~!

Last weekend, I went to GaPyeong. THis trip is kind of just membership training.This trip is with girls who love watching soccer. We met at the internet cafe and make a plan to go to somewhere. We had a plan that meet at East seoul bus terminal and go to Gapyeong, get the ship tour of Nam-i Island. But unfortunately, the 11:40 ticket was sold out. So we cannot go to Nam-i Island. We arrived at Gapyeong bus terminal and went shopping for our meals. We bought vegetables, noodles, pork, alcohol. Instead of island tour, we went to valley near our place of abode. The weather was meant to be cloudy and rainy from the forecast, but it was sunny even te next day. The weather wasn't hot but there was a people who had fun in water. There was quite many people. We just sit near the water and talked a lot. We talked a lot about the soccer. There are fan of Inter Millan, Bayern München FC, FC Barcelona, Manchester United FC, Arsenal FC, Real Madrid FC. We talked about the team's weak point, player, the coaches. This soccer talk was really nice because around me, there are no soccer fan who is female. Even they knew a lot than my knowledge about soccer.
It was really great time. Although we met first time, i felt we are really close each other.

2010년 4월 14일 수요일

How to get the subway.

Seoul always has traffic jams so seoul citizens use the subways for a useful and efficient means of travel. First, find the near subway station. Enter the station. There are 2 options. If you already have traffic card you just can pass the entrance. But if you don't have, you should buy traffic card which can use once at the vending machine. At this time, there are guarantee-money, 500won. This money will be back when you arrive your destination. Later you have your card and put the card at the entrance. Next find the direction where you want to go. There will be the sign which guide your direction. Follow the notice and there will be the subway. You get in and just wait until reaching at your arrival. If you have to change the line, you should get off the subway and follow another direction. There will be the melody at transfer station, you tell the line and get a transfer. Last, finally arrived at your journal's end. You should find the exit from the notice and put your card again to leave the station. In this case, you have your one-use card, there are a guarantee-money machine. Put the card and get back your 500won. And just find your exit number and follow the sign.

2010년 4월 13일 화요일

Watched Flash Forward.

I saw the show 'Flash Forward' for last weekends.
This drama is kind of unrealistic series.
This show starts this accidents.
One day, the planet blacked out for two minutes and seventeen seconds. The whole world saw the future. Everyone in the planet blacked out and they saw the future 6 month later.
And the FBI agents find the reason and they want to stop another black out.
And the story is not the end of season. Now there are 15 episodes.
After i watched 15 episodes in one day, at the night the consequence of the drama showed my dream. In my dream, i hang out with some characters on the FlashForward.
I think i didn't realize that i was in dream. I was the part of the story and i was another character. I cannot sure what the exact story in my dream but i remember the little thing.
That is the weird experience one. The last one day, when i saw the drama named 'Shark', i dreamed so bad like that drama. Shark is the law court drama and prosecutors are the main role. I dreamed so horrible so that's the reason i dropped the series which aired murder cases for a time. So i got a conclusion. Just watch serious topic drama with having apart time.
But i just don't forget the dream to be a character.

2010년 3월 25일 목요일


Having interests on soccer is the nessesary condition to my ideal boyfriend.
The big and first reason is that i love watching soccer so much. And i want him to admit my interests. Anybody doesn't want to have boyfriend who don't admit girlfriend's interest.
And i can talk to him about that issues. If he likes soccer, he likes listening my words. That means we don't bored each other.
The last is i really want to go to watch the soccer game with my boyfriend. This is my dream when i have boyfriend. Going to the bar and watching the game with beer.
No one likes to have boyfriend who cannot share interests. I just want to have a man who likes soccer.
Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of Shinhwa's debut. 24, March 1998 was thier debut day. Shinhwa is a famous korean boy band. There are 6 members. Now they are in the military service now. The leader of Shinhwa, Eric is going to be discharged in October this year. But there are no soon for ohter members. Because one of the member, Lee Minwoo, he is the last person being in the military service. He left quiet very lately. Therefore the comeback of Shinhwa is at least 2012. I am thier fan from when i was 14. That year, 2004 they were so great. They got awards and a lot of chances to work. Acting is the one of the chances. They also have concert on East Asia.
Anyway, at this moment they are in the service. But there are many fans to celebrate this anniversary. Any boyband have the 12th debut day. This is the amazing and fabulous. There were no changing the member and no breakup too. Only Andy, one of the member is in the army and others are in substitute-army. I really am proud of him because there were the critism to Shinhwa that why anyone go to the real army(not substitute). He passed qualification exam to go to the army.
In conclusion, yesterday is the very important day to me and other fans. I hope they release the new album when they are all discharged.

2010년 3월 21일 일요일

My first MT

I went MT(membership training) last weekend. After the class, we went to the bus stop to go to '우이동'. The bus was crowded. But the times gone, the seats were free. Actually i don't know my major friends. That's the reason i decided to go to MT. In the bus I chatted with my new friends. Arriving at the destination, we waited our pick-up car. The road was really winding. Our final arrival was a mountain place. There were already a lot of many other school arrived. Even some school had their dinner. When we arrived at the room, there was seniors and some friends. We just started to introduce ourselves and changed the number. We divided into 5 group and started to chat and prepare the talant show. For the time, we had a dinner and had a game. And drinking too. Later the drinking the festive mood started. I also started feeling the effect of alchol. Frankly speaking, there were always alcohol at MT. But the people should control themselves. I was trying to sober myself. Drinking the water is the best way. Other friends drank a lot so they slept and vomitted. I just talked to friends who i knew them that day. I am so glad that i had more friends than going before the MT. Although my condition was bad. I don't know whether i go to MT again. I just like the festive mood and making new friends. But little alcohol is really good to break the awkward mood. Next week, there will be another MT which go to with club members. I just can't wait making new friends.

2010년 3월 16일 화요일

Learning Spanish

Spanish is quiet easy to learn. Because it pronunciates just being written. It means say the word like the letter. English doesn't. There are many different pronunciation at same letter. For example at english 'A' is different at apple and application. But spanish is the same pronunciation at amigo and applicacion. Certainly there are some exceptions. But less than english.
Since i was junior high school i like soccer so much. And Spain soccer player, Fernando Torres was my favorite. That's why i wanted to learn spanish. First time, i just want to send to him the letter as a fan writing spanish. But that hope continues and i go to highschool where i can learn spanish. So i learned spanish very hard and finally when i was 18, i got the certificate DELE Initial. Dele is the certificate for foreigners who don't speak spanish as a mother tongue. However, the next year, 2009 i have to studied for the university entrance. That resulted that I forgot almost words, grammar and speaking spanish. So i applied spanish class in my time schedule. Even though the class started basic things, i could remember my past spanish. Also i made my friends who speak spanish as a mother tongue. They live Peru and Spain. I send them a letter written in spanish. When i write a letter for them i find the words through the english-spanish dictionary on the internet. It's really tough to write a spanish sentences but that stimulates my past memories.
I have a dream that i traveled Spain or South America using the spanish. For that dream, i will continue study spanish.

2010년 3월 14일 일요일

I hate Curry..

When I finished my class around 12pm i went to the dormitory cafeteria to have lunch. But, lunch menu made me disappoint. Curry is the lunch menu. I hate curry. I don't have exact reason to have such feelings about curry.
When i was at high school, curry is the one of the menu. First time to eat curry, i was fine. However most of the time the curry showed on my dish, I just am sick of curry things. So my family doesn't eat curry when i stay at home.
Sometimes curry looks like dirty things, excretion. It looks like yellow pulpy thing and vomit thing. But i am okay with the food with curry because that doesn't show the color. Do to eliminate smell. Also i am just fine the curry which spicy one. That curry is better than not spicy one. But i don't prefer both of them.

2010년 3월 11일 목요일

Modern family.

I like american tv dramas very much.
Law & Order:special victims unit was my first drama. That one is kind of investigation for the sex offence victim. I like that style which start and end the story in one episode. So i don't need to watch three or ten episodes. And there were detail description that i have never seen before at the korean drama. To find the suspect, the characters investigate all the things. And the corpes was surprising one.
The next best one for me was Samantha Who. This is the story which forget her memory due to the car accident. Before the accident, Samantha was really bad woman. She break the couple, tell a lie, ruin other's life and so on. But after the accident, she cannot remember her memory. So she decide to be a good person. She wants to be good really hard. Also she moves back to her parent's house. Sometimes she remember her before bad doing. It's the being the new woman story.
The next one is Prison Break. I like the material that to break the prison for his brother,Lincoln. His brother, Michael tattooed prison's blueprint at his body. He tends to rob the bank to enter the prison where Lincoln exists. There are amazing things i never expect thing to break the prison.
But what i am going to write on this board is Modern Family.
I recently know this show. It's very new one. This is the comedy drama which shows to be modern family do. There are 3 family. The father's family, the daughter's and the son's. Jay is the father of Clair and Mitch. But he remarried so he has young wife and her son. Clair has family. She has husband and 3 children. And the Mitch's family is quiet unique. Mitch is gay. So he lives with his boyfriend and adopted vietnamese child. 'Modern family' is the story of these family's life. I like this drama. This drama is normal family story and just shows us what is to be a good family. In the middle of the drama there are the interviews what is the good point to be a good father,mother and family. We can understand their feelings well. Because thier story isn't perfect. They do mistakes, have in trouble, fight each other.
In the U.S.A. this drama is still in the air in ABC. I just can't wait the next episode. You can watch this just for fun.

2010년 3월 7일 일요일

first time to write on the blog!

Today, the weather is nice but little chilly.
But that's not important cuz Arsenal won the game.
Arsenal is the team which consists in EPL(English Premire League).
Even though i didn't watch the game, 'Arsenal VS Burnley' on Sunday midnight.
It's good to winning the game but there are the hurt news again.
Recently, Arsenal players got hurt so much.
Eduardo da Silva, Van Persie, my favorite player Aaron Ramsey...
and this game Francesc Fabregas got hurt on hamstring.
There were a huge injury last game with Stoke city which Aaron Ramsey broke his leg from the big tackle.
When the injury from the last game has not healed, our captain got hurt again.
The game won but i worry about next game. Champion's League.
Last game with Portu, Arsenal lost. so this time Arsenal MUST WIN.
If Arsenal lost the game, Arsenal cannot go to next game any more.
But without Fabregas, that's awful....
We have another great player but non-existence of the captain is so big.
Anyway, I hope that Arsenal could win next game without anyone's hurt.