2010년 5월 31일 월요일

Soccer girl~!

Last weekend, I went to GaPyeong. THis trip is kind of just membership training.This trip is with girls who love watching soccer. We met at the internet cafe and make a plan to go to somewhere. We had a plan that meet at East seoul bus terminal and go to Gapyeong, get the ship tour of Nam-i Island. But unfortunately, the 11:40 ticket was sold out. So we cannot go to Nam-i Island. We arrived at Gapyeong bus terminal and went shopping for our meals. We bought vegetables, noodles, pork, alcohol. Instead of island tour, we went to valley near our place of abode. The weather was meant to be cloudy and rainy from the forecast, but it was sunny even te next day. The weather wasn't hot but there was a people who had fun in water. There was quite many people. We just sit near the water and talked a lot. We talked a lot about the soccer. There are fan of Inter Millan, Bayern München FC, FC Barcelona, Manchester United FC, Arsenal FC, Real Madrid FC. We talked about the team's weak point, player, the coaches. This soccer talk was really nice because around me, there are no soccer fan who is female. Even they knew a lot than my knowledge about soccer.
It was really great time. Although we met first time, i felt we are really close each other.

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