2010년 3월 16일 화요일

Learning Spanish

Spanish is quiet easy to learn. Because it pronunciates just being written. It means say the word like the letter. English doesn't. There are many different pronunciation at same letter. For example at english 'A' is different at apple and application. But spanish is the same pronunciation at amigo and applicacion. Certainly there are some exceptions. But less than english.
Since i was junior high school i like soccer so much. And Spain soccer player, Fernando Torres was my favorite. That's why i wanted to learn spanish. First time, i just want to send to him the letter as a fan writing spanish. But that hope continues and i go to highschool where i can learn spanish. So i learned spanish very hard and finally when i was 18, i got the certificate DELE Initial. Dele is the certificate for foreigners who don't speak spanish as a mother tongue. However, the next year, 2009 i have to studied for the university entrance. That resulted that I forgot almost words, grammar and speaking spanish. So i applied spanish class in my time schedule. Even though the class started basic things, i could remember my past spanish. Also i made my friends who speak spanish as a mother tongue. They live Peru and Spain. I send them a letter written in spanish. When i write a letter for them i find the words through the english-spanish dictionary on the internet. It's really tough to write a spanish sentences but that stimulates my past memories.
I have a dream that i traveled Spain or South America using the spanish. For that dream, i will continue study spanish.

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