2010년 3월 14일 일요일

I hate Curry..

When I finished my class around 12pm i went to the dormitory cafeteria to have lunch. But, lunch menu made me disappoint. Curry is the lunch menu. I hate curry. I don't have exact reason to have such feelings about curry.
When i was at high school, curry is the one of the menu. First time to eat curry, i was fine. However most of the time the curry showed on my dish, I just am sick of curry things. So my family doesn't eat curry when i stay at home.
Sometimes curry looks like dirty things, excretion. It looks like yellow pulpy thing and vomit thing. But i am okay with the food with curry because that doesn't show the color. Do to eliminate smell. Also i am just fine the curry which spicy one. That curry is better than not spicy one. But i don't prefer both of them.

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